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Thursday, July 19, 2012

God is so good.

Random late night thoughts - the epitome of my relationship with my blog.

Something happened tonight, about three hours ago. 7:58pm to be exact. I received a text from my ex-boyfriend. Normally this requires a horrible feeling at the pit of my stomach, blood immediately rushing to redden my entire face, and shaky hands as they open my phone. None of this occurred tonight.

It's not something large, it really isn't. But it's something important to me. I wrote him a letter about four days ago, explaining my experience at church camp (where we met twelve short years ago), and how inspired I was by God. I also told him that I learned something at camp, something I already knew deep down in my heart, but it was a lesson that needed to be preached directly to my soul.

You don't ever let your brothers or sisters falter in Christ.
You fight for them, you push for them, you love them unconditionally and most of all you pray for them.

I confessed to Brock that I had condemned him (truly I had), and his sins. I had judged him terribly and had no intention of ever thinking kindly of him again. I then apologized. No one deserves that judgement, no one. Not my worst enemy, not my best friend, not my mother...no one. I then proceeded to tell him that I wanted him to see the best in his life, to remember God, to love God, to turn to God and the rest would fall into place. That was the essential jist of my letter.

After I sent that letter I prayed to God. I had been doing so for about a week before hand, but my prayers were now more devoted, and more pointed towards my letter finding a way into Brock's heart so that he would see how much God loved him.

So back to that text. He told me that he stopped smoking about a month ago, and was trying to make things better in his life, bit by bit. He told me that things were starting to make sense in his life, that he was seeing other people on facebook lately talk about God, and some things had stuck out to him. Then he told me at the end that he was so happy I had written him a letter, that it was so nice to know that somebody still cared about him, and that he wasn't the least bit surprised that it was me. This was the line that brought tears to my eyes:

"So thank you for caring Megan you don't know how much it means to me."
Doesn't God work in mysterious ways?


Tuesday, July 17, 2012


My new computer has arrived! Hurray!
Words cannot describe how relieved I am to hold technology again. Thanks to my father, and my birthday, I am the proud owner of a new laptop. Woohoo!

There hasn't really been a lot to be missed since I haven't been blogging, except the church camp that I've attended over the past month, and will be attending again this upcoming Saturday.

Northwestern Ohio Christian Youth Camp is the name of it, also known as NWOCYC for short. I've been attending this camp since I was eight years old, and it's changed my life drastically; truly it has. It's a week long summer camp. You arrive as a camper on Sunday afternoon, and then leave the next Saturday afternoon, so I suppose it would be a little less than a week. 


Let me show you around...

One of my favorite parts of camp, my favorite places, one of my retreats would be the campfire, also known as fire circle at camp. It's a place that the entire camp meets every morning, and every night. In the morning we have a prayer and a morning lesson to get us ready for the day, we sing a couple of songs and off we go! At night we come together to praise God. It's so powerful feeling so close to Him as you sing and pray, it's one of my most treasured memories.

Now let me introduce you to MY week at camp:



This week was actually my first week at Tim's all ages week. I didn't know anyone except for a couple girls I had met who went to Jeff Slater's week with me. So going to a whole new week was extremely intimidating and scary for me, especially because I'm used to knowing everyone that I'm at camp with! Which tends to happen after spending a week every year for twelve years with those people. But this week was totally new to me. After about Wednesday I started becoming really close with a couple of the girls and older adults, and by Friday I didn't want to leave. That's what is so powerful about this church camp...you come out of the world into a retreat with people you may have never met before, and you leave with new brothers and sisters. It's breathtaking how God works at this place.

Now - allow me to save the best for last.

We received THREE new brothers, and ONE new sister in Christ this week. FOUR baptisms in one week. God is so good.

Also: I got to mark something off of my bucket list while I was at camp!
Item number 31: Lay in the road in the middle of the night

While I was at camp we went stargazing twice. We all grabbed pillows and blankets and went out to the middle of the country road which leads into our camp and all laid down while we listened to music and gazed up at the stars. It was so unbelievably powerful people, you have no idea how close you feel to God while you're gazing at the sky. It was perfection.

Well, that is the end of my camp stories until next week!
I just wanted to share a little bit of my heaven with you all!


Monday, July 2, 2012

I'm Alive

I haven't blogged since May. Jeez. That makes me sad.

Well, because I dropped my laptop...ha. Oops. I was at my brother's house in Tennessee and went to pick it up out of my bag and it just slipped, freak accident really.

Anyways, I just wanted to update a couple things while I had the opportunity.
1. I quit my job...yay!
2. Went to church camp week #1 - changed my life
3. Heading to church camp week#2 on Saturday, and week #3 one week after that
4. Birthday is in eight days
5. Bought some baby chicks!
6. New laptop still to come

Just a couple things to update you on, since I've been gone forever. More, detailed, post to come!
